Batch processing is a method to upload transactions in batches at a scheduled time interval. This document will show you how you can set up batch processing for your business by mapping the credit card processing and/or ACH processing data from your accounting software to your virtual terminal.
Batch File Overview
Most merchants who need to process batch files use commercially available software that can export payment data in a CSV (comma-separated values) format. The batch-processing import setup uses a flexible mapping scheme that allows the merchant to tell the system in what order the payment data appears in the file. Each line of data in the file represents a single transaction record with commas separating the values.
Minimum Requirements
The minimum required fields needed to successfully process a batch file are the following:
- Transaction Type
- Card Number
- Expiration Date
- Amount
Sample Files
Credit Transaction
Below is the sample file with the minimum required fields for Credit Sale.

Below is the sample file for a Sale with an AVS (Address Verification Service) request that includes an invoice number, clerk number, and customer number.

ACH Transaction
Below is the sample file for the ACH Sale.

Available Fields for Credit and ACH Transactions
Below is the list of the fields available for each payment type and the values they may contain.
Credit Card Transaction Fields
Field Name | Format | Required | Description |
Payment Type | Required | 2 = Credit 3 = ACH | |
Transaction Type | Required | Identifies the type of transaction the merchant is to perform. Sale Return Auth Only Force Void | |
Transaction Modifier | Optional | A flag that changes the way a transaction is handled. 0 = none 1 = override 5 = no duplicate check | |
Full Name | Optional | The full name of the customer. | |
Card Number / Account Number | Required | Credit card number with no dashes or spaces (ex. 4446661234567892) Bank Account number with no dashes or spaces (ex. 123456789) | |
Exp Date | Required | Expiration Date (MMYY) | |
Card Present | Indicates if the card was present at the time of the transaction. | ||
AVS – Address | Optional | The street address for Address Verification Services. | |
AVS – ZipCode | Optional | The ZIP code for Address Verification Services. | |
Amount of Sale | Required | The amount of sale. No dollar signs are allowed as the processors consider them to be invalid data. (ex. 1.01, 10.01) | |
Original Amount | Only applies when the transaction type equals Force. The amount that was approved during the Auth Only or Voice Auth (via telephone) transaction. (ex. 1.01, 10.01) | ||
Original Approval Code | AN6 | Only applies when the transaction type equals Force. The code that was received during the Auth Only or Voice Auth (via telephone) transaction. AN6 (ex. A12345, 123456) | |
Original Transaction ID | AN9 | Only applies when the transaction type equals Force. References the Auth Only transaction. (ex. 010106001) | |
Clerk Number | AN50 | Optional | Clerk Number for the transaction. |
Customer Number | AN50 | Optional | Customer Number for the transaction. |
Invoice Number | AN50 | Optional | Invoice Number for the transaction. |
ACH Transaction Fields
Field Name | Format | Required | Description |
Payment Type | Required | 2 = Credit 3 = ACH | |
Transaction Type | Required | Identifies the type of the transaction the merchant is to perform. Sale – (Credit and ACH) | |
Full Name | Required | The full name of the customer. | |
Card Number / Account Number | Required | Credit card number with no dashes or spaces (ex. 4446661234567892) Bank Account number with no dashes or spaces (ex. 123456789) | |
Amount of Sale | Required | The amount of sale. No dollar signs are allowed as the processors consider them to be invalid data. (ex. 1.01, 10.01) | |
Account Type | AN1 | Required | AN1. Invoice Number for the transaction (Required) 1 = Personal Savings 2 = Personal Checking 3 = Business Checking |
Routing Number | AN9 | Required | Only applies when the payment type 3 = ACH. Routing number of the ACH Account. |
Check Number | AN50 | Optional | Check Number for the transaction. |
Clerk Number | AN50 | Optional | Clerk Number for the transaction. |
Customer Number | AN50 | Optional | Customer Number for the transaction. |
Invoice Number | AN50 | Optional | Invoice Number for the transaction. |